Upping Your Game Within Cross-cultural Communication!

Upping Your Game Within Cross-cultural Communication!

Communication| Cross-cultural

By DCBF, DCC HK and DCCC North, East and South China

Date and time

Tue, 7 Mar 2023 00:00 - 01:00 PST



About this event

Have your ever felt puzzled about by the behavior of a global colleague and thought something along the lines of: Why didn’t they say no if they meant no? Why didn’t they say that they couldn’t meet the agreed deadline? Why didn’t they just say it like it is???

The explanation is most likely that they actually did say this! They just said it in a different way than what you’re used to.

If you want to avoid ending up in these kinds of situations in the future, the first step is to become aware of how you and your global colleagues typically prefer to communicate.

During the short webinar I’ll introduce you to the term ‘Low-high context communication’ and by using many real-life-examples and cases we will take our departure point in the difference btw DK and CN communication and you will walk away with insight and a few practical things to do and not to do to maximize your output in your cross-cultural communication.

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