As we enter a new year, here is the board of directors working to provide our members with memorable business and social events.
Anita Vogel, AV (Chairman)
Poul Kristensen, PK (Vice Chair)
Martin Raffli, MR (Treasurer) Online
Thomas Andersen, TA (Secretary)
Kenneth Petersen, KP
Peter Reumert, PR
Henrik Sternberg, HS
Poul Sondergaard, PS
Steen Olsen, SO (Office Manager)
Frank Jensen, FJ
Christian Lynaes, CL
Dennis Hansen, DH
Jakob Laustsen, JL (**)
Soren Bindesboll, SB (Danish Consulate)
Monique Hansen, MH (Young Professional)
Steen Olsen, SO (Office Manager)
(**) Jakob has asked to be replaced for personal reasons, and we are thankful that Mrs. Aasa Candussi Wilkins (Phoenix Wills) has volunteered to join the board. We thank Jakob for his 3 years on the board and look forward to welcoming Aasa to the next board meeting on January 15th.