Greetings from the Chairman |
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August came and went in a blink of an eye! Hello September.
We hope to see many of you tonight for our first post-holiday ' Afterwork Cocktail' and hear about your adventures and outlook for the rest of this year and 2023. It is not too late to sign up.
I hope everyone is supercharged as we shrug off the holiday blues and enter into what appears to be a hectic Fall and Holiday Season. Already lots of events and opportunities are lined up:
September is the month of the annual Hong Kong StartMeUp Festival. From September 5-10, the program is jam-packed with exciting webinars and community events. Most of them are free to attend. So check out the link below if you have a start-up business that needs to accelerate.
Also, below you can read about the FastTrack Program leading into the famous Hong Kong FinTech week. If you are in Fintech - make sure you don't miss the deadline to apply: September 16th.
In October, the Rethink Event / #acceleratethe change will take place. For everyone in sustainable development - this is a must-attend event.
I wish you all a great month of September & Happy Mid Autumn Festival,
Yours, Anita |
| We are happy to give a warm welcome to two new individual members of the Danish Chamber of Commerce:
Mr. Jorgen Christensen Mr. Jens Glassau Hansen
If you want to join the Danish Chamber of Commerce and our Community, please click "Read More". Besides a network of great people you will also get:
- Access to DCC's network of businesses and individuals
- Access to all DCC organized events at discounted membership prices
- Social and business community events
- Access to EuroCham and InterCham events at membership prices
- Access to industry-specific business counsels run by EuroCham which provide additional network and lobbying forums.
- Access to Nordic-community events in conjunction with the national chambers of Sweden, Norway and Finland
- Monthly newsletters
- Updated news and events of interest to the Danish community in Hong Kong
- Member-to-member discounts
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Welcome to and greeting from Mr. Søren Bindesboll - New Consul General in Guangzhou |
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The Danish Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong welcomes the new consul general in Guangzhou. As soon as the boundary is open, we will arrange for our members to meet Soren.
Søren has for this newsletter sent a greeting:
”Mit navn er Søren Bindesbøll, og jeg er siden 1. august ny generalkonsul i Guangzhou og Sydkina.
Det er ikke første gang jeg er i Kina. Jeg arbejdede i 2010 til 2014 på ambassaden i Beijing i den økonomisk-sektorpolitiske afdeling, og beskæftigede mig der med den økonomiske udvikling, den grønne dagsorden, forskning og uddannelse. Jeg var der med til at videreudvikle partnerskabet med Kina og udbrede samarbejdet til mange nye områder. Vi blev i de år hjulpet på vej af talrige ministerbesøg og to statsbesøg. Siden var jeg i fem år ansvarlig for de politiske bilaterale relationer til Kina og Nordøstasien på Asiatisk Plads i Udenrigsministeriet indtil jeg i 2019 blev udsendt som souschef til ambassaden i Indonesien. Jeg er glad for at være tilbage i Kina – denne gang med min hustru og to børn.
I al min tid med arbejdet med Kina og Asien har fremme af dansk erhvervslivs interesser og kontakten til danske virksomheder stået helt centralt. Selvom verden er under hastig forandring i disse år, vil Kina også fremover stå helt centralt i den globale orden og på verdensmarkedet. I en forandret situation, hvor distancen til Kina måske synes større end i mange år, stilles der krav om at bedre forstå landet, markedet og vilkårene, samt at kende både muligheder og risici bedst muligt. Jeg ved, at DCCC spiller en central rolle i denne forståelse, og jeg glæder mig til at medvirke hertil og fortsætte samspillet med DCCC og dansk erhvervsliv i min nye rolle. Ikke mindst glæder jeg mig til at lære jer alle at kende, og til at møde jer så snart som muligt.
Bh Søren" |
| On August 16, we had the pleasure of catching up with the new Secretary General, Anna Lin Yip, from the Danish Chamber of Commerce in China, where we compared notes on the current business situation in the Mainland and Hong Kong.
We are looking forward to opening the boundary between China and Hong Kong, so it will again be possible to meet in person. |
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| The StartmeupHK Festival, Asia’s leading annual startup event, returns in a hybrid format from 5-10 September 2022.
Curated by InvestHK and guided by the theme ‘A Future Unlimited’, this year’s Festival features 7 main events organized by core event partners and several community events to add further diversity to the week.
Expect a schedule packed full of keynotes from global business leaders, thought-provoking panel discussions, exhibitions, investor matching, hackathons, and job fairs. Each event is open to attendees across the globe and will showcase the latest startup and business trends on the metaverse, NFTs, gaming, sustainability, tech investments, health tech, prop tech, and more!
Join us and be a part of this unique platform that offers startups, investors, industry leaders, academia, and governments the to exchange ideas, make connections and define the future. Secure your spot now!
See link to the event site in '
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| Are You A B2B FinTech Company? Apply for the Global Fast Track 2022
Global Fast Track is a one-stop and free-of-charge accelerator program with a business matching portal, pitching competition, and mentoring sessions which connect global fintech companies with a diverse range of Asian Corporate, Investor and Service Champions to explore potential business partnerships and investments in Hong Kong, Asia and beyond.
Application Deadline: 16 Sep |
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Member Highlight - Phoenix Wills / 10% discount for DCC Members |
| Phoenix Wills is one of Hong Kong's leading specialists in Will Writing and Estate Planning services to individuals, families, and companies based in the Asia Pacific region.
With more than 20 years of experience preparing Wills for clients with assets and ties in multiple jurisdictions, we will guide you through this important but often daunting task.
- Drafting your Wills for single and multiple jurisdictions - Deeds of appointment of temporary and permanent guardianship - Deeds of appointment of living guardianship & medical proxy - Enduring Powers of Attorney - Living Wills - Will storage services - Annual review service to ensure everything remains up to date
Contact: Phoenix Wills +852 3100 0101
10% discount applicable for members of the Danish Chamber of Commerce |
Shared office opportunity in Wan Chai -
2-3 desks are available at HK$4,000/desk (negotiable if you take more than one desk). Included is 6 pax meeting room access (first come first served), consumables (water (still/sparkling), tea, Nespresso coffee, printer/copy machine).
Contact: Phoenix Wills +852 3100 0101 |
| Stauning Whisky is an award-winning whisky distillery in Denmark. It is located in the western part of Jutland just south of a small village called Stauning near Skjern. The distillery was founded in May 2005 by nine Danish whisky enthusiasts and is the oldest whisky distillery in the Kingdom of Denmark.
Metagroup Ltd. will be importing the fine drops to Hong Kong. Look out for the October newsletter for more information on where to buy and a special offer for all our members. |
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